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We have a BIG year ahead of us. Stay up to date on the MOVEMENT Forward!  

Property Conversation

On October 15, 2023, we voted to place our building on the market and navigate a new temporary home for SSCC. Since then, there has been work behind the scenes. The Trustees are getting organized. This includes but is not limited to, finding attorneys for this process, signing with a broker, and discerning how the building sale proceeds will be invested, etc.


Your pastoral team has also been hard at work, creating a pastoral and organizational structure for the Launch, Landing, and Mission Teams. (Mention of these teams was shared in November) The pastoral goal is to have everyone who is a part of SSCC to participate on a team. You can read, in detail about those teams below.


While each team will work closely together, each will have their distinct objectives. That is why in January, we are focusing on discerning our Spiritual Gifts. 


Discerning Your Spiritual Gifts

This January, we invited everyone (members, friends, visitors) to take a Spiritual Gifts Inventory. While there were personal benefits to this process, it also helped people discern what team to serve in the building transition process: Launch, Landing, or Mission. 


On January 28, the congregation joined for Brunch Church to discuss their gifts and sign up for a team.  

Having exercised clarity on our Spiritual Gifts, we will invite everyone who is invested in the ministry future of Seventh Street to sign up for a Team: Launch, Landing or Mission. Each of these teams will have distinct work to do, but will also all work together to share ideas, information, and navigate next steps. These Teams will be formed in early February and get started soon after.


Once teams form, we will invite each team to schedule a meeting, select team leaders (at least 2 people), and begin navigating their responsibilities. Revs. Hollie and George will be present to help each team through this process.


The Body of Christ at Work!

Launch, Landing & Mission Teams

Rocket Launch

Launch Team

The Launching Team's main work is navigating the legal, contractual, and financial aspects of selling our property and moving to a new temporary location.

Ride to Launch Site

Landing Team

The Landing Team would be comprised of two sub-teams: 

1) Finding a temporary space for us to “land” for 2-3 years.

2) Discerning what to do with our "stuff"


Mission Team

The Mission Team will help discern the WHY & and WHAT! How is God calling us to serve? This Team will help set the vision and mission for the next 50 years.

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