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About Us

We celebrate a rich history of saints and sacred spaces dating back to 1830 that fashions what is Seventh Street Christian Church. Throughout our history, this congregation has been dedicated to living out the teachings of Jesus through worship, study, outreach, and fun.


At Seventh Street Christian Church you will find a faith community where we are working to be our best selves. We do this through connecting to the Creator through worship, study, and service. We are a diverse group of people, coming from our own walks of life and holding our own questions about faith. In the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) we don’t pretend to have all the answers, instead we celebrate our differences, embracing the gift of critical thinking, conversation, and respect.

Our History

Seventh Street Christian Church

Seventh Street Christian Church has a long rich history in Richmond. It began as Sycamore Christian Church in the 1830’s, as a direct result of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) founders, Thomas and Alexander Campbell’s. Eventually, the congregation raised money to purchase land and build a church at Seventh and Grace streets.


Officially in the new church building on July 14, 1872, the congregation changed its name to Seventh Street Christian Church and worshiped there until September 29, 1946. Church growth forced them to build and relocate to the current location at Malvern & Grove where we’ve been since September 1950.


In 2002, Hanover Avenue Christian Church, located at Hanover and Allen Ave., closed its doors and merged with Seventh Street Christian Church. 


Today, we honor the rich history of all the saints past and present that help us live out the Gospel.

Our Denomination

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

It's a mouthful. We know. We are also proud to be a part of this denomination because: 

We practice unity and inclusion at the Lord’s Table

All are welcome to the Lord’s Table for the sake of mission and for the sake of the world as the one family of God. Most congregations do this by celebrating communion every Sunday. That’s why we use a chalice as our logo.

We practice believer baptism

A person makes the choice to follow God’s call rather than the choice being made for them as an infant. Baptism is the basis of membership in the Church and also a mark that every person is called to serve God – the idea of the “priesthood of all believers.”

We study scripture for ourselves

We are called to study and read scripture for ourselves. Rather than having tests of faith and creedal statements, we critically and thoughtfully study scripture, taking into account the history and background – the context – in which it was written.

We are a movement for Christian Unity

We honor our heritage as a movement for Christian unity by cooperating and partnering with other faith communities to work for bringing about wholeness – healing and justice – in the world. This is what it means to be “ecumenical.”

We also honor the heritage of Christian unity by staying together in covenant as a witness to the world that even when we disagree we can still make room, welcoming all to the table as Christ has welcomed us. Our spiritual ancestors were fond of saying, “unity, not uniformity.” 
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